The Shining Void
The Shining Void
Even as the cogs of galactic civilization turn, as trade, culture, and peace flourish and spark, the stars are forever silent. Hiding in wait, in the darkness between those stars, are those who would threaten to tear it all down.
It is your crew, brought together from all the galaxy’s cultures and disciplines, that are going to stop that from happening. Only you know why: whether for God, glory, or country, all that matters is that when the job is done, the stars are quiet once more.
A Powered By The Apocalypse game about sci-fi action heroes on a spaceship. Modeled on Mass Effect specifically and Star Wars, Star Trek, Farscape, Guardians of the Galaxy, and Firefly generally.
The Shining Void was originally partially developed in 2013, and I conducted several successful playtests. Despite the game’s potential, it was eventually put down due to a design block and the finalizing of Legend of the Elements taking all my attention. Now I’m breathing new life into the game, revitalizing the layout and design.